Water heater applications are made through the Victorian Energy Upgrades (VEU) online system.
We have a joint application process with the Essential Services Commission in Victoria. You need to open a new VEU account if you do not have one.
See the Essential Services Commission’s website for detailed information about the application process and requirements.
Products must be modelled in accordance with AS/NZS 4234. See Notice 02/2023, Notice 03/2023 and the Applying for Product Acceptance Guide for further details.
Please note that we do not process applications where the product has already been accepted in the ESS for the relevant calculation method and version of AS/NZS4234 (we refer to these as “duplicates”).
Before applying check that the product is not considered a duplicate. To check for duplicates:
- Search for the exact brand and model number on TESSA.
- If your product is listed as accepted, check that the:
- product calculation method under which you wish to install the product matches those listed in TESSA
- version of AS/NZS 4234 under which modelling was completed is AS/NZS:2021
- zones for which you wish to install the product has values listed in TESSA (zone 3 and/or zone 5)
If all three of the above conditions apply for your product, then your product is a duplicate and already accepted in the ESS. You do not need to apply for acceptance in the ESS.
If you still need to apply for acceptance in Victoria, select “Victoria only” when applying on the VEU registry.
Multiple heat pump water heaters
You can use multiples of any single heat pump water heater on the Accepted Products List under the IHEAB and RDUE methods, provided the heat pumps:
- are accepted for use in Activity Definitions F16, F17 or WH1
- are each identical models
- are joined in parallel, and
- have balanced water flow.
To install multiples of the same heat pump water heater model under F16, F17 or WH1, you do not need to apply for that multiple to be accepted, provided you meet all the above requirements.
To install combinations of different models of heat pump water heater, you must apply for acceptance for the specific combination of those models. Products must be modelled as they are intended to be installed. The Accepted Products List will then detail the relevant parameters to use in calculations.
- You can only implement one-for-one water heater replacements under the HEER method. Heat pump hot water Activity Definitions D17 and D19 do not permit the replacement of a single water heater with more than one heat pump hot water heater.
- Products under WH1 must have an individual storage tank volume larger than 425L, per the requirements of the Peak Demand Reduction Scheme Rule of 2022 - 24 May 2024.
Relevant Documentation
See the following documents on the Essential Services Commission's product application resources webpage: